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Chocolate Brownies

Chocolate Brownies


For the brownie

    1. Pre-heat the George Foreman Evolve grill, with the grill plates attached, to 160C and line the deep pan baking tray with grease proof paper.
    2. In a bowl add the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract, using a hand whisk, whisk until the mix starts to become white and fluffy, this should take approximately 5-6 minutes. Melt the butter and chocolate together and mix until combined well.
    3. Whilst continuously whisking pour the chocolate into the egg mix. Sieve the flour and cocoa powder and slowly fold into the chocolate mix making sure it is well combined, stir in the chocolate drops, making sure not to over mix.
    4. Put the mix evenly into the tray, carefully remove the bottom grill plate and attach the deep pan tray, cook for approximately 25 minutes, once cooked leave too cool in the tray.

For the topping

  1. In a bowl add the butter and vanilla, using a whisk attachment whisk well until it starts to turn white and fluffy, melt the chocolate in the microwave and whilst continuously whisking pour the chocolate into the bowl, add the sugar and combine well. Once the brownie has cooled cut into equal portions and using a piping bag pipe a little of the topping onto each portion. Sprinkle with the popping candy.